Coreless passive optical fiber



This coreless fiber consists only of a silica cladding which is protected by a low index polymer coating. It is designed to be used as protective optical end caps in fiber lasers. This passive fiber reduces back reflections and prevents fiber damage in high power applications.

Features & Benefits

  • Coreless fiber – only a silica cladding protected by a low index polymer coating
  • Reduces back reflections – prevents fiber damage in high power applications
  • Low background losses
  • Compatible with industry-standard fibers
  • Easy splicing


  • Fiber end caps for fiber lasers and amplifiers

Optical fiber specifications


Cladding Numerical Aperture
> 0.46
Background Loss @ 1100 nm (dB/km)
< 20.0

Geometrical & Mechanical

Cladding Diameter (μm)
125.0 ± 2.0
Coating Diameter (μm)
260 ± 20

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